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Pracovní povolení do Austrálie

What is the new arrangement? Why was it introduced?

People granted student visas on or after 26 April 2008 will receive permission to work with their visa grant. This will apply to both the primary student and any family members travelling with them on their student visa. As a result, most student visa holders will no longer need to apply separately in Australia for permission to work. The new arrangement will save student visa holders time and money.

Does it change when I can work, and the hours I can work?

No. Work rights for student visa holders haven´t changed. Students are still not allowed to work until they have started their course and the hours they can work have not changed. They can work up to 20 hours a week while their course is in session (excluding any work undertaken as a registered component of their course of study or training) and they can work unlimited hours during scheduled course breaks. Family members of students are not allowed to work until the student begins their course. They are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week at all times. Family members of students who have started a masters or doctorate course may work unlimited hours.

Have student visa application charges changed? 

Yes. Previously most student visa holders paid a total of $490 – an initial $430 for their visa application and $60 in Australia for the separate permission to work. Now student visa holders will pay only one charge of $450 for the combined visa application and permission to work.

I need to lodge a new student visa application but already have work rights. Will I have to pay the new $450 visa application charge?

Yes. All people who apply for a student visa on or after 26 April 2008 will pay the new EUR 305 (AU$ 450) charge.

I was granted my student visa before 26 April 2008 and haven´t yet applied for work rights. How can I get permission to work?

People granted student visas before 26 April 2008 can still apply separately for permission to work. To find out more go to http://www.immi.gov.au/students/students/working_while_studying/how-to-apply.htm.

Do I need a visa label to show my employer my work entitlements? 

No. Your visa information is held electronically and you can access it at any time using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) system. Employers, banks and government services can also check details about your visa entitlements on VEVO once they have your consent to do so. For information on how to access VEVO go to www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/evo.htm.

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